Sunday, February 16, 2014


Today the political party with two heads has long since passed it's usefulness for the rest of us. The Republicrat Party and the Democran Party (same/same) are a conduit of bribes for the extreme rich. Neither despite their rhetoric do anything for the common people unless forced into it by the common peoples extreme anger. However they take bills written by and for the rich, and pass them for the money. The best thing is to outlaw these parties and outlaw such activities.

Going along with my first rant today is the forever status of corporations. We have gone from a United States which revolted over the granting of a corporation with exclusive  power to handle all trade between all the colonies and any other part of the world. They had also Gave to Congress the sole power to create money. Today the big banks create money and the hell with us. It's time to break up the big banks, the big communication companies and the big oil companies. All these act in criminal manner with no danger of any meaningful punishment. The best way is to strip them of corporate charters. That and jail the people who made the criminal decisions.

We need to force the revocation of the anti Bill of Rights measures in the Patriot Act and the NDAA, or jail the people who have violated the constitution or both.

We need to do away with the CIA/NSA who seemingly are above the law as well.

One of the best and safest ways to bring peace to the world is to limit the department of War to it's Constitutional limit of defending against invasion of this nation. Our military today is projecting legally or not our military presence and in many cases undeclared war over 110 other sovereign nations.

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