Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb. 19th.

The sentencing of the people who broke into the Y-12 complex at Oak Ridge is a miscarriage of justice. Whenever the law is more important then justice, when ever people are less than the government we established, it is no longer worth are respect or our support. Those who do not think the "LAW" should be tempered with justice are the problem today. It is they who are the criminals or foxes running the hen house. Demand Barry the Bomber pardon all three.

I sometimes reflect on the fact that Ben Franklin had formed treaty's with my people and when  he went to the Constitutional Convention had a outline of our government. They copied our form of government but included slavery, subjugation of women and took away the vote of any but the rich. Boy did they screw up in forming our nation. Before George the village eater had finished his first term as president he had the Shay Rebellion and then the so called Whiskey Rebellion which ended with the Bill of Rights, because the farmers who had been the troops were the people revolting. They should have demanded a return to the Articles of Confederation which had been much more inclusive.

With each Sunrise, Great Mystery gives all of us another day to shape as we desire. Not to stay in a rut but to use for the benefit of all of us.

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