Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just some thoughts

For the Chicago Teachers Union. Thank you it's about time everyday people stood up to the big money everything has to be done for profit.

For the Occupy movement. Thank you for saying and making known what I have been saying for years.

For the tree huggers I have been with you since 1955.

For the bloggers and outspoken among you keep up the good work.

For each and every one of you who speak out, stand up, show up or just provide support, keep it up.

For those around the world who do something for your people, for the animal activist, for the religious and humanitarian leaders who provide leadership in this push back against the worship of money, I am proud to be among your followers.

For all my family and friends everywhere, I hope to keep speaking out for ever but know my time here is almost done. Thanks for the love, support, encouragement and criticism you have given me.

For the people who say my elders wisdom makes a difference please pass the knowledge on.

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