Monday, August 20, 2012


Once it was different, today it can be said openly. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats serve the people (human beings) that elect them. Neither party serves the noble sounding trash they supposedly endorse in the party platforms. Neither party except when pressured by their base ever does anything to help the people on Main Street or on Back Alley. Both parties rile against the special interest. WHY to point the finger at each other. Both are lap dogs and servants to the big money from corporations and banksters represented by K Street. Both are for sale to the highest bidder. This is why the various various agencies supposed to protect us and serve our interest do not. This is why the courts can and do either rule against us or deliver a slap on the wrist when a big corporation is found to be doing something illegal. This is why We as people are suffering from lack of work, lack of public help and lack of a voice in our towns, our states and our Nation. It's not up to those who vote for the lessor of two evils. It's up to those who refuse to elect either evil. We do have other choices, find out what they stand for and use your right to vote to make a real change. We have the best government money can buy. Robert N. Smith GP & Peacemaker & candidate for the 1st. Congressional district of TN.

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