Saturday, June 6, 2015

Thoughts 6/6/2015

Since most of the USA's history is that of war and conquering or stealing other peoples land and resources perhaps we need a Constitutional Amendment to limit our military to protecting against any invasion of the United States and protection of trade routes on the high seas.

By the same note why not a Constitutional convention to include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the supreme law of the land? Just think that would include a voice for the minorities, the end of human rights violations by any government entities, equality for women in all ways and so much more. If Congress won't go along with this the States have the right and the ability to do so. After all it was the states who convened the first Constitutional Convention. Though it ended up limiting the states governing and ended up as a giveaway to the rich. We could even do away with the Senate which is not serving any purpose today.

The same convention could do away with several problems we have today. Legal person hood for corporations which is a farce. The other is to make all elections open to all candidates and publicly financed. By the same note why not limit every office holder. Just make it part of the Constitution that nobody can succeed them self in office. Does not prevent some one from holding the same office multiple times but does make office holders more open to the voters control.

Last but not least may we include a process to amend or even do away with central government every twenty years as a protection for all of us. No need for any more revolutions, just open voting by everyone.

Bob Smith 6/6/2015

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