Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thoughts May 27th. 2015

Just met a local church visiting group. Asked me to come to their church (meeting house) on Sunday. When they got ready to go one of them read or misread a passage from the King James Book. I corrected him on what it said as I have read the bible several times in different versions and told him i didn't believe in his religion. They left in a hurry saying I was going to Hell. I'm there right now. Oh I also asked him what his church stood for because in our whole conversation all I heard was were against this and that. I still want to know what the protestant movement stands for. Nothing good that I can see except to lord over others and point fingers. I remember something about Let he who is without sin. Oh well It was interesting and now my neighbors know I can't be bothered with what they preach. Their book has some great ideas on how to live but nobody tries to.

I learned at a very early age, that everyone is equal and should be respected unless they do or say something to loose that respect. The men's council deliberated on actions and so on. The woman's council held the final say on what the men proposed. In addition the thirteen year/fourteen year old's had the duty of speaking for thee  elders. The Earthkeepers had the duty of representing the various animals, birds, fish, tree's creepy crawly's and invisible ones. Probably the hardest job was that of the eldest women for they were required to speak for the children. Though everyone including the children could and did call council if they saw a problem or a need. We have to get back to that. We have to learn to listen to others and then speak knowing what they said and why. Mankind is not to be governed by the richest, the most eloquent or the one with the weapons. It is supposed to be a voice for everyone and respect for all including the next seven generations.

The warrior society which was and is by traditon not the ones who speak out for war but those who watch and take action before the warclub is necessary. Prevention instead of killing or arresting is the job of any who call themself warriors.

The five large banks that just were found to be felons are not. They are criminal enterprises. How many times do we have to fine them for criminal activity before we realize the people running those banks and not the banks are the criminals. What they do is steal from all of the rest of us and put it in their packets. So when are we going to jail them, break up the big banks and return some of their crooked gains to the people?

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