Thursday, May 2, 2013


Today is important. Today is the day you can do something to bring peace to the world, honesty to government and justice to America.

Talk to everyone you encounter. Discus what you would like to see changed in the world, what services and assistance you would like to see provided to minorities, small business, women, medical needs and even community needs.

Write down every idea you hear, come up with yourself or borrow from other sources including ideas for peace, the environment, government both local and national, education or housing. Then share your list with others. Ask others to share the list after they add ides of their own. Get together and discuss the ideas and how they could come about. Include elders, children, homeless or whatever in the discussion. When you get ideas that resonate with everyone, take them public along with how they could come into being.

This is what democracy is all about. Each and every one of us having a voice in making decisions and a voice in the decisions that effect each and every one of us. Not just in your community, state, region but in the Nation and the world.

Enjoy the friends you make as you do this and remember it's your world too.

Bob Smith Peacemaker Big Tree 4/2/13

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