Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mar. 25th. 2012

If you like this tell others please.

Ask for this law in every state. It's simple, straightforward and in the
> public interest.
> All nuclear power facilities in this state must shut down within one
> year unless they answer the following three questions. No new plants may
> be started or completed unless they answer the same three questions.
> 1: Can you guarantee no radiation will be released if a natural disaster
> were to strike the plant?
> 2: Can you guarantee that no nuclear meltdown or release will occur due
> to human error?
> 3:Do you now or in the forseeable future have a plan for the disposal of
> radioactive waste materials generated from this plant?
> No waivers, extensions or other maneuvers to allow operation beyond this
> deadline shall be granted..
> Robert N. Smith USN RET & Peacemaker & Candidate for US House of
> Misrepresenitives 1st. Dist. TN

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